7 Lifestyle and Grooming Tips for Models


In a world of social media likes, followers comments we all want to look our best but are often discouraged by the argument that however you are “You are Beautiful.” Although, we still dress up for social outings and want to look our best for social situations.

Grooming provides us with the necessary confidence to dress up and be presentable according to the situation every day whether it's work or date. Grooming and our lifestyle are an integral part of our personality and impact our soft skills and first impressions. It is not a new discovery that positive first impressions increase confidence, motivation, commitment, and positive morale which leads to a better living and productive work life.

Here are 7 lifestyle and grooming tips for models who can’t compromise with their personality at any cost.

1.    Eat Healthily

Eating healthy is by no means a new tip for models but it is also not something to forget about. Getting in shape is dependent on what you put in your body. Eating processed and oily food for a longer duration will result in skin problems and poor stamina. Getting ripped is not the goal but staying in shape depends highly on food. You should rely on home-cooked or boiled food. Workouts will help you complete your fitness goal.

2.    Cold Showers

Cold showers have been a skincare hack for a few models. Coldwater helps you in closing your pores and skin from pollution. Although it is not said to not take a hot shower but always end your bath with a cold shower. It has been reported to help in improving hair and skin health.

3.    No Bad Hair Days

Hair is as precious as jewelry. A good hairstyle does wonders to your look and adds an element to your personality because we use our hair to express ourselves in subconscious ways. Avoid chemical products as much as possible. Products are only recommended when there is an immense need. Shampoo and conditioner should be picked according to your scalp type ( consult a dermatologist). Shampoo should not only cleanse your hair but also moisturize it. Good conditioners help in retaining elasticity.

Avoid wearing uncomfortably tight hats and such wearables as they obstruct the blood flow to your hair follicles and can damage your hairline. Hair ends should be trimmed after every 6 weeks to avoid split ends and damage.

Attractive hair is not about adding volume, but carrying your hair well-groomed.

a.     Facial Hairs

Facial hairs play a very vital role for men and add to your personality. The Beard trend is on the rise now and most men are leaving their stubble to grow. However, facial hair is not less maintenance as misconceived. Beard hair also needs grooming and a Facial and hair service will be recommended.


4.    Morning Routine

The morning routine is a vital part of any grooming regime. A good night’s sleep is always helpful and the morning should be started with something positive.

a.     Drink Gallon of water

Drinking plenty of water is essential for keeping the skin hydrated. Without proper hydration, the skin may look pale and lose its softness. Although skin can be moisturized using a moisturizer the effect won’t be long lasting and hence drinking a gallon of water is recommended.

b.     Put Frozen spoon on eyes

This hack has been in American society for a long time now. You may have watched your favorite celebrity recommending it because it's that helpful. It helps in relieving stress and lowers anxiety by making the eyes cool. A simple but elegant way to start the day.

5.    Protect your skin

The increasing pollution has resulted in our skin losing its richness in essential vitamins and minerals. Although these things can be fixed with a healthy diet but prevention is still better.

Moisturizing your skin is a very basic need and plays a crucial role in protecting the skin from pollution and dust particles. Moisturizing provides skin necessary hydration and prevents dry skin and irritation. It eliminates any chances of acne caused by breakouts and reduces skin problems.

6.    Smell Good

Finding a scent that compliments your personality is difficult but necessary because it adds a subtle element to your appearance. Aftershaves are a good choice for adding a subtle smell that stays with you all day. Investing in a good perfume or deodorant will always return good compliments.

7.    Mental Health is the King

The fast pace of today's world has resulted in modern lifestyle problems that cause us stress and depression. Messed up sleeping schedule starts to break our skin. During fashion shows, models are advised to sleep at least 3 to 4 hours before hitting the show.

Meditation and yoga in the morning are life-changing considering the stressful environment in the modeling world. Daily 15-30 minutes yoga will do wonders for your mental health and you will see the glow on your skin in a matter of days.

To relieve stress after a stressful day, massage is one of the best ways to relieve stress. Plenty of massage for men services is available to help you start your next day with full potential.


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